Arrrr.... ahoy! How ye doin Lad? I'm so glad that we meet again bucko. Well. I'm quite busy building me best Pirate Island, got black spots here and there. What about you matey? Blimey! you're having trouble creating you pirate island, isn't it? Let's better not to waste any time, man-o-wars are fast approaching, so smartly there lad, as I'm going to guide you on how to build the best Plunder Pirates Island, avast ye!
At first, it's really hard to put up your pirate island, most piratey pirates waste lot of time and gold in building their pirate base yet end up being wiped out, it's because they are lacking ideas on how to do it right, trying things here and there, a mistake I don't want ye lad to follow. RTS (Rea-time strategy) games like Galaxy Fleet Wars, Clash of Clans, Gladiators: Call of arena and rest of the gang, does not only require you to build a roomy base but a well built one with above average defense too, enough to hold attacks to keep you in the game. You can check all our cheats and guides for Plunder Pirates here and get the latest updates to dominate the game. Now, keep on reading and proceed to our new guide post on how to build the best island.
At first, it's really hard to put up your pirate island, most piratey pirates waste lot of time and gold in building their pirate base yet end up being wiped out, it's because they are lacking ideas on how to do it right, trying things here and there, a mistake I don't want ye lad to follow. RTS (Rea-time strategy) games like Galaxy Fleet Wars, Clash of Clans, Gladiators: Call of arena and rest of the gang, does not only require you to build a roomy base but a well built one with above average defense too, enough to hold attacks to keep you in the game. You can check all our cheats and guides for Plunder Pirates here and get the latest updates to dominate the game. Now, keep on reading and proceed to our new guide post on how to build the best island.
How to Build the Best Plunder Pirates Island Tips and Tricks in Basic Ideas for Base Designs and Layouts
Build, defend and expand, I always stick n this inspiration. If you are looking for a Perfect Plunder Pirates Island, sad to say yet there is no such. But you can build a fortress in Plunder Pirates with a tough to break defense, and going to give few tips and tricks on how to do it.I already mentioned before in Plunder Pirates Strategy Guide - Tips and Tricks to Keep you Plundering, some basic techniques in building your pirates' fortress. But for those who haven't read our article yet, let's make a swift turn for a review, helm's a-lee!
Don't Build Everything Inside Your Walls!
Most piratey pirates in this game tend to support those buildings that matter most to them (resource, towers, Pirate Hall). I personally suggests that you go for resources, because this is the most important in the game, pay attention on this but don't leave your other buildings attended too. Remember to keep those important ones behind your walls while you can put those not so important outside as decoys, this is a good strategy to delay the infiltrators giving you enough time to prepare your counter.
Build more Chambers!
Don't just surround your pirate island with walls like most players do. Instead try to build more Chamber Walls to hold your defense. Multiple sets of walls are hard to bring down compared to just one Big Thin Wall, making your enemies having a quite difficult time to break through.
Extend your Docks!
Increase the distance the enemy troops need to cross before they reach your fortress by keeping as much land as possible behind your most important buildings, you can do this by using decorations. Since the enemy troops can only be deployed on water, this will give your towers plenty of time wiping them off. Extend the land of your island as much as possible, it's a good trick to see your enemies struggling in getting through!
Yo-ho-ho, that should cover everything. If they are still with me lad, you can check these cool example of Plunder Pirates base layouts and design. Though it's nearly impossible to build a perfect fortress, just squeeze some ideas from these example, it may you build your tough to break fortress in Plunder Pirates. You can also check also on how to get more gems guide. You can share your suggestion on How to Build the Best Plunder Pirates Island, just leave your comments below.
Yo-ho-ho, that should cover everything. If they are still with me lad, you can check these cool example of Plunder Pirates base layouts and design. Though it's nearly impossible to build a perfect fortress, just squeeze some ideas from these example, it may you build your tough to break fortress in Plunder Pirates. You can also check also on how to get more gems guide. You can share your suggestion on How to Build the Best Plunder Pirates Island, just leave your comments below.

Rovio needs to balance the loot percentages when islands are attacked -- they are way too high at around 20%+ of total vs around 10% for COC (depending on TH level). Also, higher level attackers should have access to lower percentages of loot than lower level attackers on the same island -- it doesn't seem this is the case.
ReplyDeleteThis game gets very frustrating in terms of trying to loot up…attackers take what I've earned without fail as my island is constantly attacked. I've tried a number of different layouts but always lose a ton of loot (I'm pirate hall level 6 with a rank of 362 currently).
Please fix this game! =(
Most Plunder Pirates players are having same dilemma as yours. It's a standard 20% looting. Every other game of this ilk has the same structure, except COC. That is the only one that has a cap. Here are some few tips;
ReplyDeleteAlways Use Your Booty Before Going To Rest. If you are saving it for an upgrade, try not to leave the game without hitting your target.
Instead of saving for big upgrades, Do all your small upgrades first, get your defenses maxed and design a good base.
Save quest rewards for the last minute before buying something. For instance, you are working on the 900k for the academy upgrade. Get the "hidden hitters" quest finished which will give you 300k when you claim it. That's 300k that's "in the bank" but can't be stolen! So you only need to save up to 600k.
Another thing that would help is if you know you need to log off for a while drop a few battles to get yourself into a lower ranking. Pirate hall outside will give a free shield also.
Hope these tips will help, just hold on for a while since the game had just debuted, pretty sure they will make some updates on the progress. We are looking forward for some revisions for looting ratio, let say when you plunder people, the one who attacks get the same amount, but you as a defender lose less than what he gains?
For example: The defender has 100k loot available to steal.
When the attacker steal all that 100k, he will get 100k, but the defender will only lose 70k.The cap is the same for the attacker, he still gains 100k, but the defender loses less than what the attacker steals. Well, i guess need to leave that part to Rovio. Anyways, thanks for dropping by.