Can't get enough with strategy games? Try Funcell123 and GamEver tactical squad-based RPG Age of Warriors : Frozen Elantra. Following an epic storyline, the game is set on a dark age of Elantra where it's kingdom was siege by a horde of monstrosities known as the abominites?. The game will put you in charge in leading a group of gathered mighty heroes and aid to purge Elantra from darkness, that will test your flexibility on pulling up your strategic battle plans and honing your tactics Age of Warriors : Frozen Elantra comes with a 3D real-time fighting feature which I could say that it can compete with other games that are buffed with top quality visual effects, such as Rovio's Plunder Pirates.
Anyway, we're not her to give praise and merits but to formulate our BEST Age of Warriors strategic battle plan, so let's not further waster our time and just get down to business!
1. Consider a Balanced Team!
The most basic and effective
strategy in this game is to have a team of well-picked heroes. Not just
to go with the strong ones, but to fit each hero's characteristics
according the situation and how it affects or support another hero in
the team. Your team should always have a fighter, an archer, and a mage,
especially in early game. Starting out with this set up will give you
a balanced team with maximum efficiency, because each class counters
another a class: archers beat mages, mages beat fighters, and fighters
beat archers. But since this set up will begin to be less important on
the later game, just stick to this set up for a while, and you can try
to make your preferred combo team when your base stats are pumped high

2. You can Improve your Heroes in Numerous Ways!
As the game progresses, your enemies will become more stronger and stronger, so it's vital to improve your heroes . One way to improve your heroes is by sending them off to train. You can do this after passing a couple levels. There are three instructors to select which improves individual stats. Choose a hero and the stat you want to improve, but make sure you have 100% or above success rate. 50% is restored every day, so wait until your reached the desired success rate.
You can also embark on quests to defeat difficult opponents which allow you to gain badges that are used to upgrade your heroes'' classes. But first, you need to unlock the Stormrage Plains by clearing some levels in the second world, Death Valley, the Realm of Spirit. Upgraded hero class gives you hero improve stats and allows it to learn new skills too, so make sure to take down these quest on your priority list!
Your heroes can acquire Elements which are introduced in later game. These are passive stat bonuses that gives them extra characteristic points, such as HP, Magic Resist, etc.
3.Craft New Items!
Your team's might is significantly measured by your strength and this is determined by your equipment. Equipments can be boosted its level to 10, if you want a good set of equipment, you need to acquire crafting scrolls, you can check which levels reward you with that. To craft a scroll, you need these things; the unupgraded item, a material and the scroll itself. You can obtain these materials as you progress through the level, so when you able to complete the requirements, craft it as soon as possible. Good set of equipment pumps up your might which increases your battle rating too!
4. Keep Your Equipments Upgraded!
Gold is not a problem in this game, for the first couple of hours you will be needing a bigger purse, seriously! Having a hefty ton supplies of gold, enhancing your equipment is not a problem too since it only cost low amount of gold and sometime iron ingots. Iron ingots are quite easy to get though they are not as abundant as gold. You might stumble on a pool of these stuffs throughout the levels pretty often, collect them as rewards or get them from chests. Keep your equipments upgraded, not only it is good to boost your team and every time you forged the better version of a piece of equipment, you can transfer the stats of the upgraded old item to the new one, and it only costs a small gem fee.
5. Keep Your Skills Upgraded!
Skills play a vital role in this game like all other games. It can also predetermine you chances of meaning and losing as well. In this game, quite a number of these skills gain your team an advantage, let say for example, the fighter?s valuable God of War skill, which temporarily raises his block rate to 100%. This means he entirely negate physical damage it receives, and that is why it's best thing let it hold the frontlines. Another one is the Powershot skill, which allows it to shoot out a piercing shot in a straight line, you can use this skill in taking down enemies drawing a single line with a single shot . These skills can be too upgraded using skill books which you can get from completing quests and the later on the ladder ranked matches.
6. Unlock New Heroes by Improving Your Military Rank!
You improve your team into much more better dream team through unlocking new heroes in the hero hall, but first you need to raise the rank up your military level. Once you've unlocked the Battle Court, this will allow you to attack other players, which will gain experience points to boost up your military rank. But remember, always try to check out your opponent's levels and equipment, you don't want to end up throwing a towel, do you?

7. Position Your Pawns Smartly!
Before each battle starts, players are given a chance to position their heroes. This is your key to win the battle or turn the tides when you are about to lose advantage. Above mentioned tips will be useless if you will mess up with your positioning strategy. One strategy I mentioned earlier is to place your fighter guarding the frontlines, since it has a skill that could soaked in huge damages. Each pawns, your heroes and the enemies attack the closes target to the, and by moving your heroes around you able to see this. A red will show what the enemies are going to attack, while your heroes target is determined by a blue line. Positioning your fighter in the front line will grab your enemies attention making it their primary target, thus your archer and mage will be left protected and able to deal free hit to the enemies. Other way around, you can also apply the same principle, try to take down first those enemies that has low defense
Now I'm done with my job! I hope this Age of Warriors Strategy Guide help you become a good tactician. For those who haven't play the game yet, it's Free To Play, got 6 different customizable hero classes, with huge epic map to explore, PVP features that allows you to challenge friends and a leader board feature that you could dominate, well the game totally rocks!
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