Having fun playing Angry Birds? I have some good news for you Angry Birds lovers. Developer Rovio the brain behind Angry Birds Stella and other Angry Birds series had made a new version of it and now let's welcome our newest Angry Birds called Angry Birds Transformers. Yes! the shoot 'em up video game birds are now look like Autobots and Decepticons and calling themselves as Autobirds and Deceptihogs.
The concept of the game is more quite different from the other series of Angry Birds . Having some Angry Birds and Transformer cross over. They will set aside their differences in finding the mysterious egg and putting back everything to normal. As EggSpark changes everything as it arrived in Piggy Island and changes everything making living things in to transformers. In the game you will be using 5 Autobirds like Red as Optimus Prime, Chuck as Bumble Bee, Terence as Heatwave, Hall as Grimlock and Stella as Arcee. And the Deceptihogs are going to be King Pig as Megatron, Corporal Pig as Galvatron, Foreman Pig as Lockdown, Chef Pig as Soundwave and the Minion Pig as Starscream.
The concept of the game is more quite different from the other series of Angry Birds . Having some Angry Birds and Transformer cross over. They will set aside their differences in finding the mysterious egg and putting back everything to normal. As EggSpark changes everything as it arrived in Piggy Island and changes everything making living things in to transformers. In the game you will be using 5 Autobirds like Red as Optimus Prime, Chuck as Bumble Bee, Terence as Heatwave, Hall as Grimlock and Stella as Arcee. And the Deceptihogs are going to be King Pig as Megatron, Corporal Pig as Galvatron, Foreman Pig as Lockdown, Chef Pig as Soundwave and the Minion Pig as Starscream.

Angry Birds Transformer was finally confirmed yesterday 25th of September that will be release in iOS App Store next month 15th of October and for Android Google Play users on 30th of October. The soft-launch was in New Zealand and Finland were the first countries to enjoy the game. So for now we will just sit back relax because the time will come for us and we will be able to join on finding the EggSpark soon on our favorite App Store and Google Play.
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