As its name suggests, I guess there is no need to give this game a flashy introduction. It's a tower defense game based on George Lucas's universe, where players can choose either the Light Side or the Dark Side, and battle waves of enemies, and play with the movie's iconic characters - Yoda, Obi- Wan, Luke Skywalker, Dark Vader and many others.
We are going to help you fight off those hordes of enemies and defend your base with our Star Wars: Galactic Defense strategy guide, if you're still with me then your time will be paid off, so let's get going already!

1. Set Up Range Towers and Melee Towers Together
It's a good idea to put up your melee towers with your range towers. With this set up, you will have your range towers picking of your enemies while your melee towers are keeping them in place, you're creating a chokepoint to wipe off the most of your enemies in least time. Here's a side tip; you can also change the rally point of your melee tower by tapping the small diamond and circle button maneuvering your units as you please, this is very useful in positioning your units or setting up your defense.
2. Outfit Your Relics
Relics give your champions or your towers bonuses when you equip them. Equipping a relic on one type of tower will affect all towers in the same line. Basically, you have four different categories of tower, let's say you equip the basic ranged tower, all upgraded versions of the ranged towers in that group will be affected too, yet won't affect the melee tower line. Since both the Light Side and the Dark Side have an equivalent tower of the opposite side, there's no need to equip the Republic and Imperial Towers individually, take note of it!
3. Meet the “Synergy” Conditions and Get Special Bonuses
There are two types of synergy conditions, champion synergy and planet synergy. If you meet either of these conditions, you will get an extra buff. Champion synergies are activated when champions of the same section fight with each other, you can do this by simply pairing your jedis together. While on the other side, planet synergies are activated when you deploy your champions on a planet they're familiar with. For instance, deploying Luke Skywaker in his home planet Tatooine, will give him a movement speed bonus. Take note of your champions' synergies to get the most out of your champions.
4. Replay Levels on Different difficulties to Get More Stars
There were five difficulty levels in each levels, with three starts to earn each. Mean to say, that you have 15 stars to work off for each level. However, it's not that pretty easy since you can't just jump off from one level to another as you like because the enemies are way too strong for your champions and towers to deal with, you need to go through the game as novice and progress. You can come back and try a higher level when your status gets buffed up a bit.
5. Always Move Your Champion
You will be working with one champion in the beginning of the game. Keeping your champion on the move will give you a greater chance to get all three stars on the level. You only have enough credits to purchase two or three towers when start out a level, meaning to say that there will be one part of the map will be left entirely empty. This is where your champion plays its part! Move your champion close to your enemies and let it soften your enemies as much as it could before they get to your main towers. Note only that you will have thickened your defense a bit, you will also make the most out of your champion, because the more they fight, the faster their special ability recharges. So keep your champions on the move!
6. Pay Attention to Your Enemies
Always keep an eye on the next wave, it's very helpful if you always check what you're going to up against. After the 3rd level of Tatooine, you will unlock the unlock the specialized towers. Each towers have different special attributes, so you need to pay more attention to it. For instance, the basic range tower has two different specialized options. One option has a slow fire but concentrated power blasts, this works very effective in slow pacing yet heavy-duty enemies. Another option has a great speed firing rate and range yet it damage is lesser, it's great for big hordes of weak enemies. Use your specialized tower options according to your enemies, so always keep track on the oncoming wave - by tapping on the enemy wave indicator button, this allows to check on what's coming next.
Well, that should cover everything you need to know about the basics. We will be posting strategy guide for advance level soon, just keep on visiting us. If you have tips and tricks to share, suggestions and feedbacks you can email us or just simply drop your comments below. We will be very glad to hear from you.
Have a great time playing Star Wars: Galactic Defense and may the force be with you!
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