Are you fond of the mythical and magical stories of the Greek Gods and Goddesses of Greece? Do you fancy Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love and Beauty? How about Zeus who is the King and father of all the gods and ruler of the famous Mount Olympus? If you love these characters and wanted to play with them, then you don’t have to look any further because you will be introduced and be able to play with these gods and goddesses by playing Gods Rush. It is a popular new RPG for the iOS and Android platforms for free. This fantastic role playing game allows you to explore a mythological journey along with the different Greek gods and goddesses. Experience hours of explosive action by playing Gods Rush!

1. How to Evolve Characters –There are two types of characters: the ascending and evolving. The ascending characters require you to have certain number of hero shards while the evolving characters require you to fill the six equipment slots of the characters. You must sweep away completed stages since it allows players to obtain rarer equipment.
2. The Aphrodite Spring – Aphrodite is the Goddess of Love, Beauty, desire, sexuality and pleasure. Who would not love her since she seems to give all the happiness there is. Now, the best part of playing Gods Rush is the fact that it’s free and wanting to go back to the game every day will earn you incentives, and one of which will be provided by the Aphrodite Spring. This event of the game provides players with free items after set intervals that they could not refuse. Also, the Aphrodite Spring gives players a free hero every 48 hours so the player must make sure that they keep on checking their game.
3. How to Power Up Characters – In every game that involves characters, our main goal is probably on how to upgrade and boost their powers up. This also applies in Gods Rush. In here, the players must power up their characters through defeating their enemies and obtaining experience points. In the game, it is also possible to level up characters by giving them Wisdom Potions which are earned after winning battles and from sweeping stages as well.

In the game, there's a TapJoy wall offers. If you go to in-app purchase store the "free gem" icon at the upper right corner. This will let you to earn some free gems. Gems are the premium currency of the game. Losing in the battle is when all of your party dies or it is already time since there is a time limit.You will experience that you cannot go or proceed to the next particular stage. The best thing that you can do is to grind or go to the stage beat reliably or can choose other stages the is not that difficult because there's a normal or elite to select. Go and select the stages that you can get more items and experience points. There are others to explore, the Arena, Trials and more on how far along you are in.
There you go, I guess I have given you some helpful tips in order for you to enjoy playing Gods Rush with strategy guide and more. If you have anything to ask, you can leave a your comments below.
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