LEGO is back with a new game for us this 2015. LEGO BIONICLE Mask of Creation is an action beat-em-up game that bring us to the universe you choose from one of the six Bionicle heroes and available in Android and iOS platform. Tahu – Master of Fire, Kopaka - Master of Ice, Onua - Master of Earth, Gali - Master of Water, Pohatu - Master of Stone, Lewa - Master of Jungle. Small brick-maker LEGO recover the lost Masks of Power and stop the rise of evil on the island of Okoto.
Here are some LEGO BIONICLE Mask of Creation cheats, tips and tricks strategy guide that we start to collect from our side and wish that this will help you to improve you game since we are not the ones who play for you. Lets finish your quests and more. We are only here to guide and share some good tricks and soon for walkthroughs.

Ultimate combo with rapid tapping.
Your combo will multiply every time that you hit and land your attacks to the enemy. Swift taps for the ultimate combo by speed and continuously consecutive hits and keeps on increasing by one per hit. Every successive hit is a points that will let you rank. That is why you need to aim true and hit your enemies ahead. You will have a couple of seconds, so moving faster is needed before your combo meter will resets again. Look around if you don't have any enemies in your screen and you will have one running onwards you.
Avoid getting hit by enemies by knowing their main behaviors.
You must focus to watch and look out for counter attacks from the enemies. If you will get a damage hit, your combo meter will end up and it will also reset automatically. One of the best to know is the general fighting mechanism of skull spider. Its behavior is when after they spawn, they are aggressively run towards into you. And they will charge up a mini-blast that surrounds them to hit you once they are close enough. When that happens, it is better to avoid attacking at this state because the blast will sure hit you. Skull spider needs time to charge up before attacking, so that is the time that you can stay away and target other to keep up your combo, or wait for the attack to pass then make your counter strikes them to save your combo. But on the later level, the skull spider upgrades some of their attacks, so you better aware and take note of this changes. They have spiked armor stay in a place a litter longer, but they will still charge attack as the same behavior.

Knowing your special skills and abilities.
Your Boinicle hero will earn different kinds of power ups as you keep up moving towards the levels and stages such as Area attack, Summoning and Golden Mask. So, your best strategy here is to utilize your special moves and skills.
You can do Area Attack, you can perform this when tapping the right button. This is the first special move that charge when attacking. When you keep on progress, a stronger versions of this will be unlock of stronger version. Your hero will do a larger area attack that surround them and will do manage a massive damage to enemies.
Next is the summoning skill that can be done when tapping the left button. The second skill that will calls a down summon to stuns all surrounding enemies. This will breaks the spike shield of the skull spiders that it can do. When they are charging up for a counter attack, us this to stun them and make your special attacks.
And last the rampage Golden Mask mode. This is the third special move that is indicated to your score counts meter below. It will fills every time that you make a true hit attacking the enemies and when you when it filled on, you will be enter a golden mask mode temporarily. This will grants to increase your champ movement speed and attack speed during this mode.
When you master all of this special skills. You will sure get to know your heroes limit and best ability. It depends on how he act every time that a hero will make in progress. This will gets you to make high combos and skill combinations since you know how they work and make a lot out of your strategy. All you need here is a perfect timing every time that you will do some moves to slay those enemies.

Change and customize your heroes looks.
You can unlock additional armor piece for your six heroes every time that you beat levels. Tapping the wrench icon next to the hero will allows you to select and change your characters looks. But take not that this has no bearing on gameplay but sure is fun. Most of the time, you might want to make your hero to be the champ and defeat all enemies faster than ever with a single attack.
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