Wednesday, January 21, 2015

MUJO Cheats: A Unique Puzzle Game Tips and Tricks


MUJO is a unique puzzle-game that everyone should try playing. If you start playing MUJO, you’ll see that you are playing a one-of a kind game where you start to collect tiles and erase them all in order to attack monsters. In this game, Greek Mythology and puzzles are combined into one. Just like some puzzle games where you need to match 3 blocks to pass a point, this game however has an RPG twist. The twist lies on how the player can collect different kinds of Greek gods and battle their way through history with the aid of the cheats and tips that we will provide you below:

1. Use the UP button when you don’t have any good moves. Located at the bottom of the board, the UP button will push your entire board up for one row. The topmost row will then be destroyed adding a new set of rows at the bottom. But remember, get advantage of this chance because an added bonus is coming through. Once you have a bomb tile that gets destroyed, rejoice because this means a huge explosion is about to happen that will destroy all tiles in the same column and row as the bomb tie.

2. Plan out your moves. Before you make a move, you must plan it out. Take time in planning your moves, you don’t have time limits anyway. This will help you make more glorious attacks and matches.

3. Use your god’s skills wisely. As you collect many gods as you can, you will be able to get a “Tap” skill” and be able to unlock the use of lightning bolts after the third battle. Every god has a skill to offer so you’d better check out the new gods as well for you to uncover new skills.

4. Level up your gods. Every god has this colored circle to match their skills. During regular fights, you must spend most of your time gathering experience for your gods for them to level up fast.

5. Open those chests! The chest tiles appear on the board every now and then. You can either match these normally, or spend a lightning bolt to destroy them on the spot. Don’t ignore these chests because it contains amazing stuff such as equipment for your existing gods that could make them stronger or new gods altogether. Be surprised!

Incoming search result:
MUJO hack
How to unlock gods in MUJO
MUJO strategy
MUJO guide


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